Our Class of ’80 MSC Pillar Campaign was very successful thanks to the generosity of many of our classmates and the dedicated work of the campaign committee. Visit our Class of ’80 Pillar the next time you are in College Station. It is located on the west side of the first floor going toward the old MSC hotel and a true source of pride for the Class of ‘80.
Committee Members
- Brooks W. Herring
- Brenda Kapavik
- Greg Brewer
- Jim Briggs
- Don Constantine
- Phil Gougler
- Cheri Haby
- Bill Jentsch
- Carolyn Storm Kettenacker
- Greig Latham
- Kathy McCoy
- Mike Pack
- Jim Pratt
- Patty Rabel
- Mark Rhea
- Kyle Sears
- Dillard Stone